march 2023 archive
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first day of spring
march 20th 2022
i anticipate this part of the year so much that i almost feel let down by the anti-climax inevitable when you, well, over-anticipate a single day in a year lol. summer is my favorite season probably but spring is when things start to look up again. to be totally fair i did have a pretty good winter. made new friends, picked up a couple hobbies, learned some new music from my brother. actually crazy story (to us anyway) my brother and i were going back and forth listening to each other's music and watching weird music videos, when he showed me princess chelsea. i immediately was reminded of the brunettes, a duo i used to religiously listen to a decade ago in high school. i intimately know mooost of their music. well if you know, you know what im about to say haha, princess chelsea was part of the brunettes!! but i didnt know that until my brother showed me her and we did a little bit of googling. every now and again i'll google an artist i used to listen to and see what theyre up to, i guess i never bothered to do that with the brunettes. its also cute that my brother was afraid i was going to judge him for listening to her. i was like bruh ive been a long time fan of her & more importantly i don't judge people's music tastes, AND this is the coolest coincidence that has happened to me in a ver long time 😩
i know a lot of people use spring as a time of renewal etc, but i do that around my birthday in january at the start of the year lol. spring for me is more like, being able to feel a sense of relief after months of feeling like partially set jello under my skin. i can walk outside and breathe and UGH you get it. i wrote a whole thing about why i love spring and summer on my opinions page lmao. i feel a greater sense of relief from the weather getting warmer than i do when i take acetaminophen for a headache.
a couple weeks ago my husband and i celebrated our five year wedding anniversary!! we went to a nice expensive restaurant with his parents, and then the next day we went to the art museum & the conservatory. i wore my wedding dress to the restaurant because i can. i purposely bought a non-descript gown for my wedding so that i could wear it more than once other than my wedding haha.
my website took a back seat for the past like 6 weeks, which my gut reaction is like, oh no i dropped the ball on another thing i like to do in my free time!! but like, i havent haha. i am not going any where i just didnt get the stroke of inspiration to update or blog until recently. websites are allowed to stagnate. no there isnt always something new to see here but there is always something to see here. i avoid saying my website is under construction unless i am doing something major to the whole of it. there will never be a day my website is done, under construction is the default, so why point it out?
i am going to end this blog by laying my deep, personal, and most current truth bare: i am one sneeze away from shaving and piercing my eyebrows, buzzing my hair short, and frosting the tips. i won't but i might if i sneeze wrong.