memes 18+ ONLY no minors
i debated for uh an entire year on if i wanted to add a meme page to my website. i didnt really have a collection of memes to do that with until recently when i started actually going through what i have saved and naming stuff lol. now that my folder of memes has grown i want to put them up on my website!! umm MOST are from tumblr so if you're on tumblr you will recognize a lot of these haha.

you thought u were gonna see some memes right away huh
but now my second problem is the content of the memes. a lot of them are political, a lot of them are sexual, a lot of them are meaningless, and i do not have the time of day to sort them. and i don't want to lol i like seeing them all together. which means i want to display them on here all together. which means you might see anti-capitalist memes next to hentai next to a screenshot from the simpsons. SO, tho much to my chagrin (i prefer surprises), there's a trigger warning list down below.
i really really really don't want any minors on my meme page. O_O

your official warning
the subjects of the memes on the pages herein may include, either directly or indirectly: leftist politics, sacrilege, satanism, violence, & sex. speaking of sex, some sex-related memes and images may include themes of *inhale* sadomasochism, pet play, weapons play, consensual non-consent, blood, & cannabalism.
if you find any of those themes triggering, protect yourself and move on to another page. i love you
if you find any of those themes problematic or reprehensable, you are fully capable of closing this page!! listen to me. your body and brain are all yours and you have agency. you have permission to feel desires known only to you. no one can see them or hear them or know about them unless you speak them, at your own pace or never. thought crimes are not real. kill the cop policing your thoughts in your head. bang. kill the puritan in ur head. bang. what matters most are your real life actions and their impact. i love you

alright! here, damn (no minors)
now that i've over-hyped it, (they're really not that bad), you can proceed lol.
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